but here is a run down of the numbers going through my head right now!
9-the number of days i have gone without signing into blogger....
2-the number of nights i begged flake to take me to bw3 for wings.....
6-the number of wings i finally got from bw3!
3-the number of days since having those wings....i have been wanting more! :)
7-the number of nights i have gotten home from ...where ever.....and gone straight to bed
1-the number of nights i got home this week before 9:00....which is just not ok!
1- the number of times i have talked to robbie in the past two weeks....really that is just not ok!
16-the number of groundhogs that looked for their shadows yesterday while we were at school.
16-the number or groundhogs that saw their shadows....and decided we needed 6 more weeks of winter...
28- the number of markers that my kiddos used to complete our science project
85-the number of minutes it took me to put the science project board together.....
70-the number of minutes i wasted while working on the board....on worrying about where things would go on the board.....
i wasted this time.....because i realized i did not want my kids board to look too good....
cause i don't want them to win.....because then they will need to present their findings....and i don't want that stress....for me....or them! :) ha!
3-the number of times turbo puked in the bed this week....seriously
2-the number of teams playing in the super bowl
0-the number of teams i care about....in the super blow....basically because i love the game, not who is playing!
3-number of mornings i got up and went to the gym this week.....before work
10-number of times i have heard the run/walk podcast that i have been using for training....
i'm totally sick of the music....and i'm really ready for the next level! :)
6-the number of guided reading books that i made picture cards for today...with 6 pictures per book, and 6 sets of pictures for each book....which made for a lot of cutting and a lot of glue and a lot of index cards
7-the number of books i should be making the picture cards for....so that makes for 6 more sets of six pictures each.
515-the number of minutes i spent in meetings this past week.....big improvement from the previous week....
4-the number of episodes of snapped i have watched today......
11-the number of times i have laughed out loud ..... because of snapped....
shouldn't this show....not be funny?!?!
17-the number of report cards that i finished....after working on them all weekend long....last weekend!
3-the number of times one of my kiddos at school stole something this week.....
3-the number of times the other kids told her that she was not being "trustworthy"
1-the number of blog buttons i made this week.....i do love making those buttons! :)
6-the number of times some random number called my phone...yesterday within a 5 minute time period.....why?
403-the number or entries you all have written....and my google reader has stored....since i last had the chance to log into blogger....
things i can't count......
the number of times i heard my name this week.....but said incorrectly! :)
the number of times i laughed.....
the number of times i reminded my kids at school of their rules at school.....
listen, learn, play and have fun.....we need to be nice, show respect....and smile!
the number of times i have said prayers for some special people who are needing things...or who were waiting on things this week.
the number of times i have felt overwhelmed by the new lesson plan format at school.
the number of things i'm blessed with
the number of times i've been thankful for everything i'm blessed with!