you make me happy
especially on days
when i can't really go outside
and be with real people
being sick isn't fun
but you don't mind
ahh facebook,
you can't get sick from me
spending so much time with you!
thanks for updating me on everything
thanks for letting me in on all the happenings out there in the world....
thanks for telling me all the people i may know
i love when you tell me my friends have updated their profile pictures
thanks for all the applications
thanks for telling me about everyone's new status....totally exciting
even though i'm not sure what to think of them, thanks for all the notes!
i love all the pictures....
and the videos that keep me laughing
oh....and the new LIKE couldn't be more awesome!
thank you for all the free gifts
and....oh the flair....
thanks for keeping me entertained
when i was stuck here
doing all of nothing....
so .... as i sat here
reading my bloggy friend's blogs
i was wondering

Sorry you are still sick!
I don't have a's enough for me keeping up with a blog :-)
i do actually... mainly to keep in touch with hubbys family in oklahoma... it is fun.. thoug i do spend waaay more time here in bloggy world!!
I do!! I love facebook!!
I'm confused...what's FB??? ;)
1. kristen, we must get you a facebook....its way too much fun!
2. randi and kel...i went and found you both!
i love facebook friends....
3. bbf....i'm just not so sure i can explain it to you, maybe i'll send you a message on facebook to try! :)
Thanks so much for coming by for a visit and your kindness.
I really do appreciate it.
Have a wonderful evening.
~Melissa :)
Sorry you're sick. Wanted to thank you for coming by my blog today! I'll add you to my blogroll. I do have FB, and I'm addicted! Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick calls it crackbook. I've never tried crack, but do know that it's addicting!
Well, hello! I saw your super sweet comment on my blog and I am so glad to have you over! I am also glad that you started to follow. It will be great getting to know a new bloggy friend.
I read you are sick :( Not fun. Hope you feel better.
Oh, and yes! I am on Facebook and it has sucked me in.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for following.
I do not have a facebook. Blogging takes up a lot of my time.
Come by any time.
I hope you are feeling better. I'm starting to get sick. My nose is stopped up etc....
I do have FB, but I actually prefer blogging. Oh, and they blocked FB at work, so I usually forget about it.
Thanks for your comment! My Snuggie and I will return!
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